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  Mar 10, 2025
Northwest Vista College Schedule/Catalog 2013-2014 
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Northwest Vista College Schedule/Catalog 2013-2014 [Archived Catalog]

Student Support Services and Resources


Advising and Assessment


It is important that all students visit with a Student Success Academic Advisor on a regular basis. Your advisor will provide assistance with:

Academic and Admission advising
Degree and Certificate planning
Assessment Interpretation
Information on Academic Programs
Course Placement and Selection
Registration Assistance
Assistance with dropping or withdrawing from a course
Graduation Requirements
Transfer Planning and Services
Referral to On-Campus Student Services
Referral to Community Services
Change of Major
VA Advising and Certification

It is our goal to have all NVC students following a plan that is customized to meet their specific educational and occupational goals. To find out more, visit our website at

Northwest Vista College requires assessment for each student in reading, writing, and mathematics to determine proper placement into college entry courses. NVC Assessment Office is committed to the success of our students and surrounding community by offering a variety of testing services that advance students’ higher educational goals. To find out more visit our website at

Career and Transfer Services


One of the best ways to ensure career success is to establish a clear focus on the career path you wish to pursue. The Career and Transfer Services (CaTS) Center helps guide you through the career planning process, college transfer planning, job readiness and online student services support.

Take advantage of our resources and services that are FREE to you. The CaTS friendly and helpful staff is here to help you in any way possible. Call or come by to set up your individual career counseling appointment today. Contact Career Transfer Services (CaTS) Center at (210) 486-4126. You can also visit the CaTS Center in Cypress Campus Center, CCC 200.

Career Planning


Career planning and decision making is an on-going life long process that takes time, energy, and commitment. It involves developing an awareness of your skills, abilities, values, strengths, interests, and learning about the various types of occupations that exists and what is required to accomplish your goals. CaTS Center offers a variety of career assessments and exploration to help match your skills, interests, personality, and values with various careers. Students who are undecided in their major are strongly recommended to start the career planning process early in their educational career.

Transfer Planning

The Career and Transfer Services Center (CaTS) is committed to assisting students at NVC with making a smooth transition into baccalaureate degree programs. During their enrollment at Northwest Vista College, students are advised to fulfill the lower division requirements for the college or university program. Students wishing to transfer into a baccalaureate or professional degree program should obtain an undergraduate catalog of the university to which they plan to transfer and consult with a Student Success Advisor/Transfer Team Leader. There are a number of college catalogs located in the Career and Transfer Services Center. NVC makes every effort to aid students wishing to transfer. However, the student must consult with the senior college or university to ensure appropriate courses are taken at Northwest Vista College.

Northwest Vista College has established articulation agreements with a number of universities. These partnerships help to facilitate the transfer process and may include: joint admissions agreements and transfer plans, core curriculum equivalencies, and course equivalencies tables. These tools allow students to identify which courses may be taken at Northwest Vista College to complete freshman and sophomore requirements for a particular university degree program. Senior institutions generally will accept a maximum of 66 transfer credit hours in lower division general education and specific field of study curriculum courses. Students are encouraged to visit the Career and Transfer Services Center to find out which universities have these agreements and to research information about institutions to which they intend to transfer.

Transfer Services also provides students with information concerning university admission requirements, degree program requirements, scholarships, housing, and university contact information. A transfer fair is held every Fall Semester that provides students an opportunity to visit with university recruiters. University transfer advisors from select institutions are scheduled each semester to advise on campus prospective transfer students.

Job Readiness

The Career and Transfer Services Center (CaTS) provides quality job readiness services to our NVC students, alumni, and the community. Students receive individualized services to develop job readiness skills, such as: effective resume writing and interviewing (Optimal Resume), on- and off-campus employment assistance (Wildcat Classifieds), and job market information.

Online Student Services Support

The Career and Transfer Services (CaTS) Center has a computer lab available with assistance for registration, FAFSA, NVC 101 and much more.

Counseling Services


Many students face life challenges that can make accomplishing their academic goals more difficult. The NVC Counseling Center is here to help with those challenges. The goal is to encourage a student’s personal and academic growth and to help each student successfully meet his/her life challenges. If a student wants to work on an area that requires more time than the counselor can provide, the NVC Counseling Center will help locate an off-campus counselor.

Enrolled students are eligible for personal counseling services, and there is no fee. The counselor respects the confidential nature of discussions to the limits provided by law. No record of a student’s visit is made on any academic file. The counselor also provides crisis intervention services during daytime hours. For crisis intervention at night or on weekends, students can call the county crisis hotline at (210) 223-7233.

For more information, call (210) 486-4834 or drop by the Counseling Center in Cypress Campus Center, CCC 204F. More information can also be found on the website Counseling website at

Disability Support Services


Disability Support Services are academic support services provided to qualified students with learning, physical, developmental, mental and emotional disabilities who are attending or contemplating attending Northwest Vista College. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, a person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities. Reasonable accommodations are provided by the College to ensure access to all courses, programs, services, jobs, activities and facilities.

Access Office

Northwest Vista College is committed to the academic success of all students. The college welcomes the opportunity to assist individuals with disabilities through disability related services. Students are encouraged to visit the Access Office web page for more information on eligibility and services provided. Access Office information and services are located in the Cypress Campus Center, Student Wellness Center, CCC 204. Contact Access Services at (210) 486-4466 for more information.

Disability Related Services

The Access Office will assist in coordinating the following disability related services to qualified individuals with temporary or permanent disabilities:

  • Testing accommodations for placement testing and academic tests.
  • Adaptive Technology: screen magnification, speech synthesized software (JAWS, Kurzweil, Sibelius, Galileo Reading Machine), voice activated software (Dragon Naturally Speaking), right handed only and left handed only keyboards, hearing amplification systems (FM systems), Interpretype relay machine, talking calculator.
  • Adaptive furniture (raised desks, padded chairs).
  • Readers, Scribes (writers),  and Sign Language Interpreters. Please note: Individuals requiring these services need to allow at least 4 working days after the request has been made AND approved before these particular services can be provided. For additional information refer to the section titled Intake:  Determining Eligibility for Disability Related Services
  • Letters (Confidential Letter to the Instructor) sent to Faculty verifying approved accommodation services needed for the duration of the course(s).
  • Campus and community referrals.
  • Other appropriate academic modifications.
  • Other disability-related information.
  • Faculty Consultations.
  • ADA Awareness Training.

Intake: Determining Eligibility for Disability Related Services

Individuals need to be eligible for accommodation services before the services will be approved and provided. To become eligible, an individual will need to:

  • Arrange an Intake appointment with the Access office to review and approve the services. Please be prepared to spend at least one hour to complete the Intake appointment.
  • Complete a Request for Services form.
  • Provide current documentation for the disability for which services are requested. Documentation must be from a competent and qualified source capable of making that diagnosis within their profession.

Informing Instructors of Accommodations

Faculty who need to be informed of a student’s approved accommodations will be sent a letter from the Access office upon request by the student; the Confidential Letter to the Instructor explains the accommodations needed for the student. The Access office will provide the confidential letters to faculty only when requested in writing by the eligible student each term or semester.

Continuation of Services

Approved accommodation services may be provided each semester if the eligible student informs the Access office that services are needed for the current term. Requests to continue approved services must be in writing and hand written notes or e-mail requests to the Access office are acceptable. It is not necessary for eligible students to complete a new Request for Services form each semester if the student has successfully completed the Intake process, and the services have been approved by the Access office.

Learning Resource Center


The library is located on the first floor of the Red Bud Learning Center. Along with a growing collection of traditional print materials (books, magazines, newspapers), there are many videos, audio CDs and DVDs. Students have access to over 100 electronic databases through links on the library web pages. The library offers study carrels and seating for leisure reading. There are five group study rooms, each equipped with a computer and white board, for those who wish to collaborate on projects.

The library has two classrooms. These allow the librarians to teach students and faculty members how to use the various resources available through the library. The librarians also answer reference questions via email, telephone or in person. The library is open 69 hours per week. Operating hours are available on the website.

The library’s home page is From it, students can access most information they need about the library’s services and resources. On the computer workstations, students have access to a wide array of electronic online resources, including the Alamo Colleges online library catalog and subscription databases covering a wide variety of subjects. Many of these titles come through NVC’s membership to TexShare, a large consortium of libraries in Texas. The subscription databases are accessible from any networked computer on the campus and remote access is available. In addition, the library’s computers are all equipped with Microsoft Office Suite, allowing students to write papers, prepare spreadsheets or assemble a presentation in Word, Excel or PowerPoint.

Northwest Vista College students may use other area libraries in a variety of ways. Materials found in the Alamo Colleges catalog online are available to students at any of the Alamo Colleges. Students may go to the loaning library and present their student ID or request delivery to NVC by the district courier. TexShare borrowers cards are issued to students in good standing who must utilize another area library for their research. The card allows them to borrow materials from such places as University of Texas at San Antonio, Our Lady of the Lake University, University of the Incarnate Word, and St. Mary’s University.

Formal Interlibrary Loan is available to NVC students and staff to locate materials outside the San Antonio area.

Northwest Vista College library is a member of OCLC, an organization that maintains a large bibliographic database and provides reference services.



Northwest Vista College contracts with Follet Higher Education Group to operate the Northwest Vista College Bookstore. The bookstore, located in Cypress Campus Center, sells textbooks, instructional supplies, trade books, imprinted clothing, and gift items. The bookstore buys back textbooks throughout the year. Students need a student ID card to sell back books.

Contact the bookstore at (210) 706-9291.

Student Activities


Northwest Vista College is committed to providing a campus climate that encourages students to experience college at its finest. Students are encouraged to plan and participate in programs that promote academic and personal enrichment through the merging of classroom instruction and campus involvement. Through campus involvement, students gain valuable experiences and develop skills in leadership, management, interpersonal communication, problem solving and collaboration.

For information on getting involved in campus activities, student organizations, or recreational activities, please visit the Student Life Center in Cypress Campus Center, CCC 126, or call (210) 486-4005.

Service Learning


Service-Learning is a teaching and learning method that combines meaningful community service with classroom instruction and engages student in reflection. Service-Learning is part of academic courses that focus on critical thinking, problem solving, career exploration, and community and social responsibility. Taking a class that utilizes service learning challenges you to apply what you are leaning in the classroom to the community. For more information, contact the Service Learning Coordinator at (210) 486-4846.

English as a Second Language


Northwest Vista College offers six progressive levels of ESL for non-native English speakers. An assessment is used for placement and admission. Classes are conveniently scheduled each semester during daytime and evening hours, for either credit or non-credit. Courses are offered in:

  • Accent Improvement
  • Grammar
  • Reading
  • Speaking/Listening
  • Writing

Health Services


College Health Services provides health promotion visits, seminars, and classes to individuals and groups free of charge to all matriculated NVC students.  Health promotion visits are by appointment.  No appointment is necessary for basic wellness assessments and recommendations.  The College Health Center is located in Cypress Campus Center, CCC 204, (210) 486-4223.

Community Education


The Community Education area of Northwest Vista College provides quality learning opportunities for leisure time learning, growth, and personal enrichment. We respond to the needs and interests of people in our community by providing non-degree programs. Classes are offered on weekdays, evenings and Saturdays and are listed on the Northwest Vista College Community Education Web site each semester. These non-credit classes are open to everyone.

Academy for Lifelong Learning

The Academy for Lifelong Learning provides opportunities for people 50 years of age and older seeking intellectual development, cultural stimulation, personal growth, and social interaction. The annual membership fee entitles participants access to all classes sponsored by the Academy. Weekly topics vary and have included:

  • Arts and Crafts
  • Book and movie reviews
  • Computer and technology skills
  • Cooking
  • Financial matters
  • Gardening
  • Home Decorating
  • Sports and Wellness

Click here for more information on the Academy for Lifelong Learning.

Children’s Enrichment

Our programs are designed for children enrolled in Kindergarten through Eighth grades.Saturday Enrichment classes and Kids Summer Camps motivate children to learn collaboratively while participating in a variety of educational and recreational courses that include:

  • Arts and Crafts
  • Computer Animation
  • Guitar and Piano Classes
  • Kids Cooking
  • Math Magic
  • Reading Adventures
  • Weird Science
  • Spanish Language Arts
  • Self Defense

Click here for more information on Children’s Enrichment programs.

Leisure Learning

These courses are for those individuals who are interested in learning something new for their free time pursuits. Classes for adults and their enrichment include:

  • Conversational Spanish
  • Digital Photography
  • Native Landscaping

Click here for more information on Leisure Learning programs.

Campus Parking Regulations


If a student plans to park a vehicle on the campus, they must register the vehicle and display a current permit tag. When applying for a tag, provide the following information: Social Security number and the license plate number, year, make and model of the car. Purchasing a Vehicle Registration does not guarantee a parking space but does authorize parking in designated parking areas under control of the Alamo Colleges. Car registration occurs during the registration process or students may purchase a permit anytime at the Bursar’s Office during regular office hours. Only registered students are allowed to pick up paid parking permits.

Contact: Business Office, Cypress Campus Center, CCC 105, (210) 486-4200

Public Safety / Police Services



The safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors is of vital concern to Northwest Vista College. Everyone in the campus community is involved in creating a safe environment and is encouraged to report all safety concerns by calling campus security, (210) 485-0099. Emergency outdoor phones are identified by a blue light; all incidents will be documented and investigated. NVC has a staff of campus security personnel who work closely with the San Antonio Police Department. On a regular basis, information and presentations are made available to students and employees on issues of importance to campus safety. The campus safety report is published with the class schedule each fall semester and is in compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act.

NVC strives to assure safety and security on the campus. The Alamo Colleges Police are on campus at all times using bike, foot and motor patrols. The following services are available:

  • Assistance to open cars and assist in boosting cars 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. weekdays
  • Escort service on campus when requested
  • 24-hour dispatch emergency telephone from campus and from pay phones Contact: Alamo Colleges Police, Texas Persimmon Physical Plant (TPER), (210) 485-0099

Emergency: (210) 222-0911

Class Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather

Classes at Northwest Vista College may be cancelled due to inclement weather. Notification is made through local radio and TV stations. If classes are cancelled due to inclement weather or other emergencies, attempts will be made to assure that classroom hours are rescheduled. Students will be notified through the Northwest Vista College Web site at or via local media. Students may also check through the the Alamo Colleges’ weather hotline at (210) 485-0189.
